2024 Basketball Practice Schedule

Location FES
Ages 5-7
Tues: 6:30-7:00 pm  Rams and Lions   7:00 -7:30pm   Bears and Tigers
Thurs: 6:30-7:00 pm  Rams and Lions   7:00 -7:30pm   Bears and Tigers

Ages 8-10

Tues: 7:30- 8:15pm   Deacons and Canes  8:15- 9pm  State and Heels
Thurs: 7:30- 8:15pm   Deacons and Canes  8:15- 9pm  State and Heels

*As of right now, I have to assume the group will be using the gym and can only schedule 30 min practice times.
If the group changes, then I can increase the practice times for next week.

Location FMS
Ages 11-14

Tues: 7-8pm  Coach Tri and Coach Perry  8- 9 pm  Coach Otis / John
Thurs: 7-8pm  Coach Tri and Coach Perry  8- 9 pm  Coach Otis / John